Autor Thema: How to program a cleaner wagon? (X.3)  (Gelesen 4606 mal)

Offline André Grandmaison

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How to program a cleaner wagon? (X.3)
« am: 27. Februar 2008, 17:17:31 »
How to program a cleaner wagen, isn't a locomotive but there is and address and need command. If I define as a loco, the profile editor make a profile for it ( may be a truc to avoid to inclus it in a global command); no need. If I define as not on layaut, no way to send command.
If I use the same address as the loco with them , I got a trouble, because the command to put on/off the brush is change the forward/backward. As this wagon alone (with his loco) as to be included in the network, I would like start and stop the brush when the loco is stopped, but I don't found to send a command to this duo because the loco and the wagon didn't have the same addess!

In my first test I put his address in the loco address box , how to remove it?

Thank in forward for a solution.

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  • Win-Digipet-Version:
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    HO CS2 2 boosters 60174 for network and booster power for signal and turnover. 40 trains MM, DCC, MFX
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    Intel LGA775l 2x 3Mghz  8Gbytes 2 x STATA

Offline Gerard Moggré

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Re: How to program a cleaner wagon? (X.3)
« Antwort #1 am: 27. Februar 2008, 18:23:31 »
Hi André,

I got the same LUX wagon as you. I put this in the loc.databank as a loc with its own adress.
It works very good in this way. In a fact you have to do the commands to this wagon manually.

In my first test I put his address in the loco address box , how to remove it?

Select decoder-adress at 0 again. Then it's gone.

Kind regards,

Offline Bernd Senger

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Re: How to program a cleaner wagon? (X.3)
« Antwort #2 am: 28. Februar 2008, 00:39:50 »
i use a cleaner wagon in windigipet with his own loco address. I configured the decoder speed into two state 0=0 1=255, that means the decoder build in the cleaning car is in stop mode only the speed is zero. In case the speed is going to 1 or higher the motor of the cleaning car will be working with full speed.

In windigipet i put the cleaning car into slave mode within a traction to another locomotive. This locomotive pulls the cleaning car over the track with the speed of the locomotive and the "full speed" (depending to the decoder settings in the cleaning car) of the cleaning cars own motor.

Regards and greetz from Berlin

Viele Grüße vom Rand Berlins
Bernd Senger

biete gerne Hilfe an, Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
    WDP 2025.x Beta
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    N-Anlage Neubau, ECoS II, TAMS mc2, YaMoRC YD7001, MDec.LDT, digikeijs LocoNet Rückm. (190 RMK)
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    AMD A10-7850K, 8 GB RAM, 34" UWQHD 3440x1440 Windows 10 64; Samsung Galaxy S21+

Offline André Grandmaison

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Re: How to program a cleaner wagon? (X.3)
« Antwort #3 am: 28. Februar 2008, 12:39:42 »
Thanks Gerard,
I put 00 in the decoder address , and it's change as address 00 in the loco address track. Second test I put it in display case and back in layout, and the address disapear. ( I read too late the chapitre 18.12 . )
But this address still in the profile data base! I known how works with one address, not to delete all lines for one address.

Thanks Bernd
Your  solution could be the best. But I am french speaker and I couldn't realy read the manual of Lux Modellbau ? I'll contact them to know how program the decoder speed.

Best regards to you two
Best regards
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    HO CS2 2 boosters 60174 for network and booster power for signal and turnover. 40 trains MM, DCC, MFX
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    Intel LGA775l 2x 3Mghz  8Gbytes 2 x STATA

Offline Gerard Moggré

  • Senior-Mitglied
  • Beiträge: 514
Re: How to program a cleaner wagon? (X.3)
« Antwort #4 am: 28. Februar 2008, 13:04:49 »
Hello André,

But this address still in the profile data base! I known how works with one address, not to delete all lines for one address.

That is easy to do. Open the profile-editor. Then at the bottem you will find a "filter feature". Use this as follows:

select locomotiv,
then = ,
then text: fill in the right text of the loc/cleanwagon
then click on the black viewer

In this stage the profile opens

then click on the black cross above in the menu
then a warning appears "are you sure to lose all the profiles of this loc"
then click yes
and after that all the profiles of this loc/cleanwagon are gone.

Kind regards,

Offline André Grandmaison

  • Senior-Mitglied
  • Beiträge: 60
  • Ort: Brussels Ort bei GoogleMaps suchen be
Re: How to program a cleaner wagon? (X.3)
« Antwort #5 am: 01. März 2008, 20:25:54 »
Thanks Gerard,
It's easy to delete the profile.
 Is it a way to avoid to create a profile for that address, if I use a new global create for all locomotive with a new route?

To  Bernd,
I use the decoder 9020 for motorola, there isn't any info into the manual coming with the wagon, and Lux-modellbau didn't answer yet at my question about CV, what CV do you change ?

Best regards to both.
Best regards
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    HO CS2 2 boosters 60174 for network and booster power for signal and turnover. 40 trains MM, DCC, MFX
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    Intel LGA775l 2x 3Mghz  8Gbytes 2 x STATA