I am planning a new, bigger, layout. In my old layout, I have all S88 decoders placed together close to the Tams controller. Works very fine.
On my new layout, I will need many more feedbacks, and much longer cables/wires. From the point where the controller is placed, I may have as much as 10m distance (cable/wire distance) to the most remote feedbacks. I am considering several options:
1: All S88 modules still placed in the centre, and long (as much as 10m) wires to each feedback from there. All well seperated from the other wirings. Disadvantage: Very many very long wires..... Will it even work with so long lines?
2: All S88 modules placed in a chain with some bus-cable length between them. Disadvantage: I may need shielded bus-cables? And how long can these cables be?
3: All S88 modules placed in 3 groups with 3 long bus-cables. Disadvantage? Probably need shielded bus-cables. And how long may each be?
I am planning (thinking..?) to use Littfinski Highs Speed High-Speed Interface. There are both COM-port and USB-versions available. Is there a speed-advantage with the USB-version? It is more expensive, and cannot be bought as a kit..
Best regard,