« Antwort #3 am: 19. März 2012, 08:30:40 »
Two of my friends have the same problem on their laptops wit the latest version of WDP 2009.5c. On one laptop I have deinstalled WDP 2009.5c and have removed all the entries of WDIGIPET in the windows register with the "regedit" command. Installed te compleet programm again en with "datenpflege" they have put back their projects and the fault showed again after starting the buroversion of WDP.
I also advised tot overwrite WDROUTES.MDB from the project map (the empty one 88kB) tot the WDP map and after a restart the problem showed again. Also "Reparieren und komprimieren" does not help.
The only thing we dit is that he send his project to me, I opened it and send it back to him. The data is made withe the current version of WDP so, no old data.
But on my own big PC (Rechner) no problem with the projects of my friends. I also own WDP 2009.5c
Greetings Rob Bogers (Holland)
« Letzte Änderung: 20. März 2012, 08:01:26 von Rob Bogers »
Vriendelijke spoorgroetjes, Rob Bogers
IntelCore i7-860. Windows 7 Pro-64bits, WDP 2012.2 PE, 3 monitoren 22" 1920x1080, 24" 1920x1200 en 27" 2560x1440. Twin-center met Locobuffer, BMD16-SD bezetmelders, 2x LDT-HSI-S88 (serieel), Roco wisseldecoders 10775, Fleischmann Profirails, Rijdend materieel: Fleischmann, Roco, Piko, Lima. Lokprogrammer version 2.7.9/4.2.9, kpf-zeller speedcat en rollenbank.
- Win-Digipet-Version: 2012.2
- Anlagenkonfiguration: Fleischmann/Roco/Tweerail