Autor Thema: How to exchange ON/OFF for F1 (top-light) ?  (Gelesen 2944 mal)

Offline Per Olsen

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How to exchange ON/OFF for F1 (top-light) ?
« am: 25. November 2013, 18:38:22 »
Hello !

I have a few, among them the TGV, trains where the top-light goes ON when I send the OFF-command, and vice versa.  I want to use it in profiles with LokID=0.  Most trains then turn the top-light OFF when they are entering a station, but some turn it ON.  How can I fix this?  I would not like to make seperate profiles for each loco that has this "problem".  Can I somehow enter it in the locs data-base for each of these locos that the F1 is put ON in stead of OFF and vice versa?

Best regards,
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
    WinDigiPet 2021
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    Tams Master Control.  Maerklin C-tracks. 6xBolls boosters.   2xLittfinski HSI-88 USB.  Bolls RMDs.   Viessmann and Bolls switch-decoders.
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    Windows 11 2,7GHz CPU, 16Gb RAM.

Offline Stefan Lersch

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    • Infos zum Down-Syndrom alias Trisomie 21
Re: How to exchange ON/OFF for F1 (top-light) ?
« Antwort #1 am: 25. November 2013, 22:37:24 »
Hello Per,

as this issue is discussed in the German forum and Eddy is helping you here I propose to close this thread. So the discussions don't get mixed.
Viele Grüße,
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
    WDP 2021.x Beta
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    N-Anlage im Bau, Minitrix &amp Co., Tams MC 2.2.3, DCC
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    Quad Core 8 GB mit Win 10, 32"quot Bildschirm

Offline Per Olsen

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  • Ort: Bergen, Norway Ort bei GoogleMaps suchen no
Re: How to exchange ON/OFF for F1 (top-light) ?
« Antwort #2 am: 26. November 2013, 13:58:07 »
Hallo Stefan.

I understand your point.  Actually, I posted it first in the English forum, as English is a much easier language for me.  So I was hoping to have answers in English.  But as you know, the activity is much bigger in the German forum, and that is why I use the German versions of WDP, too, as it is easier to get answers there.  So when I got no answers in English forum, I had to try the German forum.  Even if it is more difficult for me to understand, and very much more difficult to write.  Sorry....  I try my best, though.

Anyways, what I want in this case, is to do "something" in the Loc-database, so that when the TGV runs a profile that says "Headlight ON", the TGV will receive the opposite (OFF) command from the loc database.  If this is not possible, I might have to add a whole lot of extra profiles for the locos that have this command inverted.

Any other english answers?  I hope so.....

If none, you can kill this thread if you need to.

  • Win-Digipet-Version:
    WinDigiPet 2021
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    Tams Master Control.  Maerklin C-tracks. 6xBolls boosters.   2xLittfinski HSI-88 USB.  Bolls RMDs.   Viessmann and Bolls switch-decoders.
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    Windows 11 2,7GHz CPU, 16Gb RAM.

Offline Stefan Lersch

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  • Beiträge: 6460
  • Ort: Brühl (bei Köln) Ort bei GoogleMaps suchen de
    • Infos zum Down-Syndrom alias Trisomie 21
Re: How to exchange ON/OFF for F1 (top-light) ?
« Antwort #3 am: 26. November 2013, 22:07:23 »
Hello Per,

I'm on a business trip and therefor I don't have much time for the forum. Meanwhile Karlheinz has answered again. Your German writing is very good! Everybody understands you. Nevertheless I understand that English is easier for you. If you have a problem understanding an answer just let me know.
Viele Grüße,
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
    WDP 2021.x Beta
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    N-Anlage im Bau, Minitrix &amp Co., Tams MC 2.2.3, DCC
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    Quad Core 8 GB mit Win 10, 32"quot Bildschirm