Autor Thema: TurnTable decoder TT-DEC-R with windigipet  (Gelesen 5060 mal)

Offline ebarra

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TurnTable decoder TT-DEC-R with windigipet
« am: 12. März 2013, 18:16:53 »
How shall I manage to program the Littfinski TurnTable decoder TT-DEC-R
using only 40 positions with the windigipet turntable dislay using 48 positions?
Is it an issue or shall it work normally?
Which adresses shall I use when I have aligned tracks ( position adress +20 or position adress +24) on the windigipet turntable display ?

  • Win-Digipet-Version:
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    Intellibox and simultaneous 2 and 3 rails.

Offline ebarra

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Re:TurnTable decoder TT-DEC-R with windigipet
« Antwort #1 am: 15. März 2013, 18:44:01 »
For info I asked the same question to Peter Litffinski who suggested also to ask on the Windigipet forum. So can anyone from windigipet development team tell me?
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    Intellibox and simultaneous 2 and 3 rails.

Offline Stefan Lersch

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Re:TurnTable decoder TT-DEC-R with windigipet
« Antwort #2 am: 16. März 2013, 00:31:19 »

WDP supports 24/48 positions only.
Viele Grüße,
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
    WDP 2021.x Beta
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    N-Anlage im Bau, Minitrix &amp Co., Tams MC 2.2.3, DCC
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    Quad Core 8 GB mit Win 10, 32"quot Bildschirm

Offline ebarra

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Re:TurnTable decoder TT-DEC-R with windigipet
« Antwort #3 am: 18. März 2013, 12:32:20 »
Thanks Sefan.
It'a a shame as it is sold supposed to be compatible with Windigipet.
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    Intellibox and simultaneous 2 and 3 rails.

Offline Ralf Krapp

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Re:TurnTable decoder TT-DEC-R with windigipet
« Antwort #4 am: 18. März 2013, 13:51:53 »
I think there is a little bit a misunderstanding. My turntable is connected with 15 tracks and it is driven by TT-DEC-R from Littfinski. I programmed the decoder along the programming discription and it works very good. The next step was the input into WDP-track-editor.
The answer from Stefan might cause some misunderstanding while he said WDP supports 24 / 48 positions. As you know from my first sentence, I have only 15 tracks connected. What Stefan wants to explain is that WDP-program is able to support up to 24 or 48 connections. But you are not obliged to use them all.
Please look up the informations on internet on turntable Decoder
There are examples how to manage the programming of the decoder.
And there is a compendium on internet how to manage the programming and installation in combination with WDP. See the following link :
I hope you will manage your problem and I wish you a great success.
« Letzte Änderung: 18. März 2013, 13:57:25 von Ralf Krapp »
Grüße aus Obertshausen (Hessen)
Ralf Krapp
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
    WDP 2021.0b
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    Spur HO; K-Gleis; Tams MC; 4 Kabasoft-Booster; Viessman-Weichen- und Rückmeldedekoder; Lokdekoder MM und andere
  • Rechnerkonfiguration:
    Windows 7 Home Premium; Intel Core i3-530 Prozessor 1333 MHz

Offline ebarra

  • Senior-Mitglied
  • Beiträge: 239
  • Ort: Monaco Ort bei GoogleMaps suchen mc
Re:TurnTable decoder TT-DEC-R with windigipet
« Antwort #5 am: 18. März 2013, 18:08:03 »
Dear Ralf,
Thanks a lot for your help, I will work this out.
Best regards.
  • Win-Digipet-Version:
  • Anlagenkonfiguration:
    Intellibox and simultaneous 2 and 3 rails.