19. Oct. I wrote to WinDigipet raising following problem:
".... suddenly WDP started blocking usage og driving controls on the ECoS2. A picture of the speedknob occurs with a red cross over in the ECoS2 window, not even temporaly while a locomotive actually is monitored from within WDP, but constantly afterwards.
Then the locomotive cannot been driven from the ECoS2. However, if I change screen by selecting "multichoice" of locs, and back to "single" whitout doing anything else. then the red crossover knob disappers, and locs can be driven from within ECoS2 again.
This sitiation occurs every time I drive af loc from within WDP, and a "refresh" of the window in the ESU is nessecary.
Moreover When I try to open the route editor, I often get a failure message: "Some solenoid articels are stille active", and again I have to refresh the ECoS2 window to get to the editor."
21. Oct. Mr. Peter Peterlin from WinDigipet answered: "...By interface protocol design oft he ECoS, locomotives controlled by Win-Digipet are always blocked for manuel operation in the ECoS. To Release this block just switch the locomotive light on the ECoS on->off->on, the control is possible again....."
However, after this I have learned that just switching the headligth off and on is not sufficient. But I found another workaround: Turning the speedknob two times counterclockwise to switch the direction makes it possible to monitor the loco from the ESU, BUT
the red-crossed picture of the speedknob remains visible on the ESU screen.
Mr. Peter Peterlin also wrote: "....If the EcoS speed knob shows a speed, this is not Win-Digipet problem. Win-Digipet can just tell the ECoS a speed and when the knob shows a speed this command of WDP reached the ECoS..."
To clarify the situation I shall try to point out what happens:
a) A Route is activated within WinDigipet
b) The train drives the route, and the ESU stops the train at the end of the route as planned.
c) The speed shown on the ESU screen is "0" (zero) and a picture of the speedknob with a red cross is shown.
d) The ESU do not tell WinDigipet ( or WinDigpet dog not recognize) that the STOP command is executed
e) The Route in WinDigipet is very often not fully released, and therfore blocks for futher routes, tours, additional switchings to execute.
f) Often when trying to start the route edit or tour edit etc. an error message comes up : "a solonoid device is still active....". Then the edit program can not be uses untill the ESU screen has been "refreshed" by turning the muliple choise of locs on and off, like mentioned above.
The system setup is IP (firm addess)
Port 15471
hardware version 2.0 Protocol version 0.2
The ECoS2 is connected to the PC by a crossed over ethernet cable.
The WDP version is 12.1.313-32 English.
I should be much obliged if you could point ot a solution to the above problem.
I have sent a similar explanation to ESU
Kind regards
Henrik Larsen